107 - Test Security Procedure


PACT Charter School

Original Creation Date: February 2016
Last Approved By: PACT Charter School Board of Directors
Last Approved Date: March 7, 2024
Year Reviewed: 2023-2024


District Test Security Procedures for PACT Charter School District # 4008 for the school year 2023-2024.


The following staff member is the District Assessment Coordinator for the school district for the current testing year:  Kasie Peters (Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Coordinator)


The following staff members are the School Assessment Coordinators for each school for the current testing year: 

Kasie Peters: PACT Charter Elementary School and PACT Charter Secondary School



The plan for monitoring testing within the district by the District Assessment Coordinator (or other designated staff) is as follows: 

All test sessions’ times and locations are predetermined. The District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) or Designated Supervisors (DS) will do random pop-ins and will schedule to attend one test session per day on rotation. A follow-up email will be sent to the Test Monitor/Administrator within 24 hours of the pop-in for feedback. An in-face meeting will take place for items needing immediate attention. 


The following staff members will monitor test administrations in the district and provide information following the monitoring: 

Kasie Peters (DAC), Romelle Pornschloegl (DS), Jenelle Moehn (DS), Paul Scanlon (DS)



The following staff members are responsible for setting the annual district testing calendar and updating all required information: Kasie Peters (DAC)

The following staff members ensure that the testing calendar is posted to the district website:  Kasie Peters (DAC) and Christine Ernston (Marketing and Communications Coordinator)

The following staff members are responsible for verifying and updating test administration dates on the website:  Kasie Peters (DAC) and Christine Ernston (Marketing and Communications Coordinator)



    1. The following staff members will ensure annual completion of required training(s) by staff via the following method(s): 

      Staff Member: Kasie Peters (DAC)

      Method(s) for Verifying Training Completed: Minnesota Assessment Training Management System will be used to ensure staff members complete the annual required training. Reports will be pulled and filed to track the completion of training(s) assigned by PACT. Signature forms will also be tracked and kept on file for 2 years following the testing year. 

      The following staff member roles are required to complete the following additional training(s), as required by the district: 

      1. Teacher/Paraprofessional (Test Monitor) 
        1. Test Security Training/Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure 
        2. Active Monitoring for Statewide Tests
        3. Administering the MCA

      2. English Learner (EL) Teachers (Test Monitor, Test Administrator) 
        1. ACCESS for ELL’s Training Courses (Kindergarten, Speaking Grade 1-5/6-12, Alternate ACCESS, Online Administration, Paper Administration) 
        2. Test Security Training /Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure
        3. WIDA Secure Portal Non-Disclosure and User Agreement
      3. Special Education Teachers/Paraprofessionals (Test Monitor, Test Administrator)  
        1. MTAS Training
        2. Test Security Training/Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure 
        3. Active Monitoring for Statewide Tests
        4. Administering the MCA
      4. All Building Staff (Office, Custodial, Nurses, etc.) (Limited Access to Testing Materials)  
        1. Test Security Training/Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure 

      District policies and procedures will be provided in the following method(s) listed. The following staff members are responsible for providing this information or training to staff prior to testing: 

      1. Staff Member: Kasie Peters (DAC)
        1. Method(s) for Providing District Policies and Procedures: Online
      2. Staff Member: All Test Monitors
        1. Method(s) for Providing District Policies and Procedures: Test Monitors will ensure that students are reminded of the importance of test security (including the expectation that students will keep test content secure and act with honesty and integrity during test administration). 
        2. Test Monitors will ensure that all guidelines are followed in terms of what materials are allowed during the test administration, calculator use guidelines, what help a Test Monitor can provide, covering instructional materials in the classroom, setup of testing rooms, and the Electronic Use Policy. 

      The following staff members will provide information on the MDE test security tipline and MDE contact information for reporting test security concerns to all staff via the method(s) indicated: 

      1. Staff Member: Kasie Peters (DAC)
        1. Method(s) for Providing Information: Email, online, and updated test information forms for reference.



The following student resources will be used to prepare students for testing: 

In grades 3-10, student tutorials found through Pearson will be used to familiarize students and educators with the general functionality of the online test which includes three components: navigation, tools, and test item types. 


The following staff members will ensure that students are reminded of the importance of test security via the method(s) listed. 

  1. Staff Member: All Test Monitors/Administrators
    1. Method(s) for Communicating: Test Monitors will ensure that students are reminded of the importance of test security (including the expectation that students will keep test content secure and act with honesty and integrity during test administration). 


The district procedure for preparing testing rooms is explained below: 

Desks/tables will be spaced as the room allows for students to have a testing surface. All instructional materials on walls will be taken down or covered with blank paper. All whiteboards will be clear of writing. Any nameplates with strategies/aids listed, or other aids on a desk surface, will be removed before testing. 


Materials allowed for testing will be gathered by the staff members listed below and will be distributed on the day of testing as follows: 

  1. School Provided Materials: Testing Rosters, Testing Tickets, Scratch Paper, Extra Pencils
    1. Staff Members: Kasie Peters (DAC)
      1. Collection and Distribution Plan: Plastic file folders will be made for each testing session and distributed on the day of testing. Test Monitors will then be responsible for keeping materials secure (in a locked location) until testing is complete, and Test Monitors will then return testing materials to Kasie Peters Student Provided Materials: Pencil/Pen, Calculator (when applicable)
    2. Staff Members: Test Monitor(s)
      1. Collection and Distribution Plan: Students may have a writing instrument out for testing. (Extras will be available for use.) Prior to each session, calculators will be cleared. 


The district’s plan for ensuring students get to the correct locations on test day is explained below. The staff members listed will assist with helping students get to the right locations: 

  1. Plan: Students will test in their content-specific classes during MCA testing. Students needing small group testing will be proctored in a designated location with a Test Monitor/Administrator. 
  2. Staff Members: Classroom Teachers/Special Education Teachers/Paraprofessionals 


The following method will be used to track which students test with which Test Monitor or Test Administrator, including tracking which other adults will be present in the room: 

Printed session rosters will be used for attendance, along with a record sheet of others in the session. Sessions will be named by subject, time, and any additional information specific to that testing session. 

The procedure for ensuring students do not use or access cell phones or other prohibited devices, including wearable technology, is listed below; actions that will be taken if the procedure is not followed are also listed: 

Students will be asked to return cell phones, smartwatches, and any Bluetooth devices to their lockers, or to place them on the teacher’s desk face-down. 


If a student is found with a prohibited device during testing, the device will be confiscated. Their test will immediately be stopped; the student will be removed from the testing room. Kasie Peters (DAC) will be notified and the Minnesota Department of Education will be contacted to determine the next steps.



The following procedure will be used for student breaks for all students during testing, including how the test content will be secured during these breaks: 

  1. Plan for Securing Test Content 
    1. If a student needs to leave the room for a short break, they will use blank scratch paper to cover their computer screen. 
    2. The student may save and exit the test if they will be leaving for the day, due to illness or parent excusal for an appointment. 
  2. Procedure for Student Breaks
  1. Only one student at a time will be allowed to use the bathroom during a testing session, and all students will be encouraged to use the bathroom before the start of each session. 
  2. If the entire group needs a non-emergency break, or there is a non-emergency interruption that affects the entire testing session, students will save and exit the test. 
  3. In an emergency situation, the test monitor/administrator will lock and secure the classroom door and monitor students. 


The staff members listed will answer questions or provide assistance during test administration. Test Monitors and Test Administrators will use the following method to contact others for assistance: 

Staff Members to Contact: Romelle Pornschloegl, Jenelle Moehn (DS), Paul Scanlon  (DS)

Communication Method: Staff members will call the main office (x1100) to have Kasie Peters contacted via walkie-talkie. If Kasie Peters is not available, one of the other staff members listed above will be available via walkie-talkie in her absence. 


The procedure for an unexpected situation arising with students during testing (e.g., illness, behavioral issues, early dismissal) is detailed below; Test Monitors and Test Administrators should contact the staff members listed for assistance or in case of emergency: Call the main office (x1100) to contact Kasie Peters (DAC) or Designated Supervisor by walkie talkie. The following procedure will be followed after calling the main office:

1) Students’ tests should be saved and exited. 

2) Students should be attended to for illness and/or behavior 

3) Students will resume the test on another day/time. 


The procedure for an entire group of students unexpectedly leaving during test administration (e.g., emergency situation, fire drill) is detailed below: 

  1. In an emergency situation, the test monitor/administrator will lock and secure the classroom door and monitor students. 
  2. If the Test Monitor or Test Administrator becomes ill or needs to leave during testing, the procedure for ensuring students continue to be monitored is as follows: Contact the main office x1100 to contact via walkie-talkie the person providing assistance. That person will step in and continue to monitor until the end of the testing time or another qualified replacement is found. 


Students will be assigned a specifc number of question to complete during each testing session, allowing for most students to finish at the last testing session. 


If students complete testing early, the procedure is outlined below; if students will remain in the testing room, the following activities are allowed: 

  1. When a student finishes testing during an active testing session, they will remain in the room reading quietly until the end of the testing session. 
  2. Students that are done with their tests will be housed in an alternate location from active test session. 
  3. Reading quietly is the only acceptable activity once the test is completed. 
  4. When students are in an alternate location, that time will be used as a study hall or reading a choice book, but every effort will be made to resume regular course learning as soon as possible.  


If students need extra time to test, the procedure below will be followed: 

  1. Kasie Peters (DAC) will continue testing those that need additional time or need to make up a session of testing. 


If students finish testing on a previous day, the procedure below will be followed to ensure only students who are testing are present in testing rooms: Students that are done with their test will be housed on the following day(s) in an alternate location from active test sessions. 


If a student reports an error or technical issue with a test item, the procedure for documenting the issue is outlined below, and issues will be reported to the staff members listed here: 

  1. If a student points out a test item that appears to have an error, the Test Monitor should instruct the student to continue the test and note the grade, subject, item number, section number (Science MCA only), student MARSS/SSID number, and information on how the online test was accessed (i.e., device or operating system). Following the test session, the Test Monitor should notify Kasie Peters (DAC) about any test items or translations that appear to have an error. 
  2. If a technical issue occurs and a student receives an error message in an online test, the Test Monitor should write down the error message and number along with the student and test information specified above. If the technical issue prevents the student from responding to the item, the student should exit the test. Contact Kasie Peters (DAC) following the test session. 

For all suspected item/translation errors or technical issues, Kasie Peters (DAC) will contact the Minnesota Department of Education and give the information collected by the Test Monitor. The content of the item itself should never be referenced, captured as an image, or emailed within the school or district or in communication with the Minnesota Department of Education because doing so is a security violation.


Staff report misadministrations and security violations to the staff members listed below, using the process outlined: 

Call x1100 and have the receptionist contact: Kasie Peters (DAC), Romelle Pornschloegl (DS), Jenelle Moehn (DS), Paul Scanlon (DS) by walkie-talkie.


The following is the district’s policy for discussing the test administration experience with students after test administration: 

  1. Any discussion after testing is discouraged aside from classroom teachers encouraging students who took their time and did their best. No content of testing may be discussed, but overall “How did you feel you did?” or the like would be appropriate. 

The staff members listed below are responsible for entering student responses from MCA paper accommodated test materials: 

  1. Kasie Petres (DAC)

The staff members listed below are responsible for entering MTAS scores from MTAS Data Collection Forms: 

  1. Case Managers for students with IEPs/504s that require MTAS Assessments



Receipt and Organization of Secure Test Materials 

The following is a list of each secure, locked location at each school within the district where test materials for online and paper administrations will be kept: 

  1. School’s Secure Location(s) 
    1. PACT Charter School (Elementary and Secondary) Room 104 (DAC Office) and in classrooms with locked cupboards/cabinets/files. 
  2. Listed below are staff members who have access to these locations where secure test materials are stored
    1. Administration, Office Staff, Custodial Staff, Teachers. 
  3. The staff members listed below will receive and store all materials in a pre-determined secure locked location:
    1. Kasie Peters (DAC)
  4. The staff members listed below will inventory materials using the security checklists. Any discrepancies will be reported immediately following the procedure listed: 
    1. Kasie Peters (DAC). The DAC will immediately inventory materials using the security checklists. Any discrepancies will be reported immediately to the Minnesota Department of Education and the test vendor. 
  5. Security checklists are kept at the district for two years following testing. The staff members listed below will organize test materials for each Test Monitor and Test Administrator, following the procedures listed: 
    1. Kasie Peters (DAC) organizes test materials for each Test Monitor and Test Administrator, including Test Monitor Test Materials Security Checklists, student testing tickets, and scratch paper. 
  6. Test materials for online and paper administrations will be kept in room 104, a secure, locked location, until the time of distribution. 


Distribution of Materials to Test Monitors or Test Administrators 

  1. The procedure for the distribution of all test materials for online administrations to the Test Monitors and Test Administrators will be distributed from the office of the DAC (Room 104), and all secure materials will be returned to Room 104 when testing is completed. Discrepancies in materials will be reported immediately to Kasie Peters (DAC). 
  2. Kasie Peters (DAC) will handle the procedure for the distribution of any paper test materials to the Test Monitors and Test Administrators. Materials will be recorded and accounted for by both Kasie Peters (DAC) and the Test Monitor. Discrepancies in materials will be reported immediately to Kasie Peters (DAC). 
  3. Upon receipt of materials, the Test Monitor ensures that all the test materials listed on the Test Monitor Test Materials Security Checklist and any other materials provided (e.g., student testing tickets, scratch paper) are accounted for before handing out the test materials to the students. Any discrepancies will be reported immediately to Kasie Peters (DAC). 
  4. The Test Monitor is responsible for the test materials during the test administration until their return to Kasie Peters (DAC). Test Monitors and Test Administrators report any discrepancies in test materials received immediately to Kasie Peters (DAC) at x1100 (the main office by walkie-talkie) 


If students are taking the test over multiple days, the procedure for collecting and storing test materials between test sessions is as follows: 

  1. The Test Monitor and Test Administrator will return all test materials (including student testing tickets and any materials used as scratch paper) to Kasie Peters (DAC) immediately after testing. If Test Monitors and Test Administrators will keep test materials in between testing sessions, they must keep them locked up or return them to room 104 to be locked up in a secure location. 
  2. If test materials are not kept by Test Monitors and Test Administrators, Kasie Peters (DAC) will keep all test materials secure until distributed for the next test session. 
  3. Student testing tickets and any materials used as the scratch paper will be securely destroyed at the end of test administration by Kasie Peters (DAC) no more than 48 hours after the close of the testing window. 
  4. Test Monitor Test Materials Security Checklists for paper test materials will be signed by the Test Monitor, indicating that all materials have been returned once testing is completed. The Test Monitor Test Materials Security Checklists will be returned to Kasie Peters (DAC). 


Return of Materials 

  1. After testing, Test Monitors and Test Administrators will return test materials and Test Materials Assigned to Students Checklists (or other checklists used in the district) to Kasie Peters (DAC)
  2. When the test materials are returned to Kasie Peters (DAC), they will again be inventoried and kept in Room 104, a secure, locked location, until they are shipped back to the Minnesota Department of Education. 
  3. Kasie Peters (DAC) will prepare the materials for shipment to the Minnesota Department of Education according to the applicable Assessment Manual return instructions. 
  4. Kasie Peters (DAC) will follow the instructions provided in the applicable Assessment Manual for the return shipping of test materials. 


The district’s policy about providing preliminary test results is detailed below: 

  1. Preliminary results are only given on an as-needed basis and only within the premise that they are preliminary scores and could change. 

The following information is communicated if preliminary results are provided: 

  1. If any preliminary results are shared, it is made clear that the score is preliminary and could change once the scores are finalized. 

Final embargoed results will be provided to the following staff members through the following methods: 

  1. Staff Members: Kasie Peters (DAC),, Romelle Pornschloegl (DS), Jenelle Moehn (DS), Paul Scanlon (DS)


  1. Method: The Minnesota Department of Education Website/Pearson Access Next/Infinite Campus (Student Information System) 

The following information is communicated to staff about abiding by the embargo: 

  1. The administration meets to discuss dates and plans accordingly to adhere to those dates. 

Individual Student Reports (ISRs) will be provided to families as described below: 

Hard-copy ISRs will be provided to families at the fall conferences. Homeroom teachers or advisors will distribute directly to the family. Families that do not receive their copies at that time will receive them in the mail the following week. 

Contact Us

PACT Charter School | District Office
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303

PACT Charter School | Elementary Campus
7250 East Ramsey Parkway NW
Ramsey, MN 55303 

PACT Charter School | Secondary Campus
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303 

Main phone line: 763-712-4200
Fax: 763-712-4201
Fax: 763-374-0665 (students records)

Absence: attendance@pactcharter.org


School Hours

Elementary Campus
8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 

Secondary Campus
8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. 

Office Hours

School Days
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Non-School Fridays
7:30 a.m. - Noon

School Breaks

Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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