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714 - Enrollment Policy

PACT Charter School

Original Creation Date: November 8, 1994
Last Approved By: PACT Charter School Board of Directors
Last Approved Date: September 5, 2024
Year Reviewed: 2024-2025


Applicable State Statute: 124E.11 Charter Schools Admission Requirements and Enrollment.



  • Parent – The term “parent” as used in this policy, refers to the legal guardian of a student as defined in State statute.
  • PACT Charter School – PACT Charter School may also be known as PACT throughout this document.


1. Enrollment Deadline

The enrollment application opens on September 1 of the previous school year and closes at noon on November 1. The lottery is held the following Monday. To be included in the lottery, PACT must receive all applications for the upcoming school year no later than noon on November 1. 


2. Application

Any parent who would like their child's application included in the enrollment lottery must reapply each year before the application deadline. It is the parent's responsibility to update the school with current contact information.


3. Enrollment Preference Status (according to MN Statute):

Preference for possible enrollment will be acknowledged and given to:

  • Siblings of students currently enrolled and in attendance at PACT Charter School:
    • Any child of a family unit related biologically, by marriage, or adoption to one or both parents.
    • Any child in placement within a foster-care situation whose foster parents have an enrolled pupil. 
  • Any child of an employee of PACT Charter School.
  • Siblings and foster children of an enrolled pupil’s parents will receive enrollment preference ahead of optional statutory enrollment preferences, such as children of employees.


4.  Foreign Exchange Students

Foreign exchange students who are placed with an existing PACT family are welcome to enroll at PACT Charter School. They will be subject to the same policies for enrollment as all other students, and efforts will be made to aid with the required paperwork. If a Foreign Exchange student is accepted into PACT, sibling preference does not apply to the host family’s students.



A.  General Information

The lottery application will open for the following school year from September 1 to November 1.

The lottery for all grades kindergarten through 12 will be held the first Monday after the November 1 enrollment deadline to determine placement for the following school year. On that date, all enrollment applications will be assigned a digital, random number and placed sequentially by each grade to comprise the lottery results list from which to fill the next year's class openings. Preference is given to siblings and children of employees working within the school. The lottery is automated through Lotterease, and the enrollment coordinator and at least one witness will oversee it. 

Students qualifying for preference any time after the lottery and who were included in the lottery will be placed at the bottom of the lottery "preference section" of that grade's lottery results list when they qualify. Students who qualified for preference before or after the lottery but lost their preference qualification before being offered enrollment will be removed from the "preference section" and placed by lottery number in the "non-preference section" of that grade's lottery list. Students qualifying for preference after the lottery was held who had not submitted an enrollment application (and have therefore not been assigned a lottery number) must submit a completed waitlist enrollment application before being placed in the "preference section" for that grade's lottery list. 

Lottery results via Lotterease will be shared on the PACT Charter School website following the lottery. Information on the initial annual lottery results includes (1) lottery results list position, (2) student’s first name, (3) student’s grade, (4) parent/guardian(s) first name, (5) last two digits of the primary phone number listed for the parent on the submitted application.

All new open enrollment applications received since the previous year's lottery deadline will be compiled to create an active waitlist if the lottery list is exhausted and there are still open seats.

Students not offered a seat must re-apply to be included in the following school year’s lottery. 

Former students who have withdrawn must reapply to be included in the lottery. Openings for the upcoming school year will be filled as they become available.

The PACT Charter School lottery results list is intended for enrollment and distribution of information deemed appropriate by PACT to be of interest to those parties. PACT will not sell, distribute or otherwise disseminate information on the lottery results list. PACT will not use this list for solicitation purposes other than to gather interest and involvement in those things related to enrollment, expansion, or related benefits at PACT.


B.  Kindergarten and 1st Grade Age Eligibility

Openings will first be filled by students who have qualified for preference status and have a completed enrollment application on file before the lottery date. 

All enrollment applications will be subject to the general lottery process. After the November lottery, new applications will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist unless they have a preference. 

Students must be age five before September 1 to be eligible for Kindergarten.

To be eligible to enroll at PACT Charter School in 1st grade, a student must be age six by September 1 of that school year or have completed kindergarten. Midyear enrollees must meet the age requirement or currently be enrolled in 1st grade at another public or private school.


C.  Enrollment of New Students

Openings for grades K-12 will be filled on a grade-level basis. The enrollment coordinator will contact the next student on that grade's waiting list who has not already been reached for the current school year.

The enrollment coordinator will notify the appropriate staff when a position is open once the school receives a withdrawal form or confirmed enrollment from another school/district.

When accepting a position, the following must be requested from the student: The student’s start date (not to exceed ten school days from the offering date, unless otherwise noted by the school, such as at the beginning of a semester), grade level, transportation needs and siblings who may be on the waiting list or want to be added to it.

Once the decision has been made to enroll, the parent/guardian(s) must provide the name of the student’s current school so that PACT staff can request student records and inform staff if the student is receiving services.


E.  Enrollment Notification

Lottery results will be posted within 30 days of the enrollment lottery. Following that, contact via text or email will only be made when a space in a classroom opens, and an offer can be made.

Parents have 4 calendar days to accept or reject enrollment. Failure to respond within 4 calendar days is considered a decline in enrollment and will result in the student’s name being removed from the enrollment list. After that time, we will contact the next student on the list.

Acceptance of enrollment also requires the completion of online registration via Infinite Campus. A link will be emailed to parents upon acceptance of an open seat, and they have seven calendar days to complete the registration process. Failure to complete the registration or communicate with PACT within seven calendar days may result in the position being offered to the next student on the list. Parents would then be required to fill out a new open enrollment application. 


F. Exceptions to the Lottery Process

As outlined in the agreement between PACT's authorizer and PACT Charter School, and following MN State Statute 124E.11, the enrollment coordinator shall allow exceptions to the lottery process. An exception will be caused when a position is open within the given grade, the overall enrollment is within the maximum enrollment numbers, and there are no students on the waiting list (within the grade/classroom level), or students on the waiting list have refused or not responded to an enrollment offer. If so, the enrollment coordinator will work with the Director of Communication and Community Engagement to advertise for open positions. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.



Enrollment Limits

PACT Charter School’s administration will conduct an annual assessment to determine the classroom seats in each section. All eligible students will be enrolled until the grade-level capacity is reached. 


Student Withdrawal

When the decision is made to withdraw a student from PACT, an online Withdrawal Form must be submitted as soon as the decision is made to withdraw. If more than one student from the same family withdraws, a separate form must be filled out for each student. This form can be found on the PACT Charter School website. If the withdrawal form is not submitted, written communication will be considered official notification.

During August, PACT will recognize a request for records from another school district as an official notification of that student’s withdrawal from PACT. (1) The enrollment coordinator will make reasonable efforts (phone calls and written communication) to reach the parent and request that the Withdrawal Form be completed to formalize the withdrawal. If no response is received from the parent/guardian, or the Withdrawal Form is not completed, the attempts to make contact will be documented; and (2) The enrollment coordinator will make reasonable efforts to contact (i.e., phone and written communication) the school that sent the records to request and attempt to confirm the student’s enrollment at that school. (3) A written notice will then be mailed to the parent’s address alerting the parent of the unenrollment action.



It is the policy of PACT Charter School to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from harassment, violence, or discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex/gender, marital status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, age, family care leave status or veteran status. PACT prohibits any form of harassment, violence, or discrimination based on actual or perceived protected class status.

Contact Us

PACT Charter School | District Office
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303

PACT Charter School | Elementary Campus
7250 East Ramsey Parkway NW
Ramsey, MN 55303 

PACT Charter School | Secondary Campus
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303 

Main phone line: 763-712-4200
Fax: 763-712-4201
Fax: 763-374-0665 (students records)

Absence: attendance@pactcharter.org


School Hours

Elementary Campus
8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 

Secondary Campus
8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. 

Office Hours

School Days
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Non-School Fridays
7:30 a.m. - Noon

School Breaks

Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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