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PACT Parents On-Line

Parents: Please use this progress report system in conjunction with the school's Moodle site to help your students track their progress though the year.

Who Can Do This?

Only parents who are "Primary" contacts can access their student data. The school technology staff must create your initial password, and will email login information to you. Once you login, it is strongly recommended that you change it immediately. If you forget it, email the PACT Tech Department, we will need to reset it.


Your family last name is your username. (The username field is how you last name appears in mailings, if your surname has a suffix, it needs to be included -- with the space and punctuation: e.g. JOHNSON, SR.) . There is only one password per family which is shared by both parents or guardians, regardless of how many students you have at PACT. The initial password can be assigned only by school office staff. Don't have a password yet? Send an email to and we will get you one set up.

2013-14 Parent On-Line Access

Note: this will navigate away from PACT's webiste, in a new window or tab. When finished checking your grades, logout, then close the window when you are done with your session.

What Can I See?

The program integrates with the student record management system and gradebook system used for our students (grades 1-12). There are no Kindergarten student progress reports available.

The program will allow you to view your students'

You can use this link directly JMC Parent Portal, select ‘Parents’. Parents have the ability to set alerts to send notification to you when your student is absent or tardy and a grade percentage alert. JMC has provided a 13 minute video of the features they offer to parents. Parent Video (this link will open in a new window to JMC).
Note: We do not use the Lesson Plan, because we use Moodle, nor the Lunch module that is covered in the video.

Parent On-Line 13-14 Access
(from any internet-connected computer)

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