We incorporate these leadership traits every day by displaying:
Understanding that something is good, valuable, and important and should be treated in an appropriate way.
Being a responsible member of a community.
Showing appreciation and thanks.
Helping someone in need and working together to alleviate through sympathy.
Being honest, fair, and adhering to a moral code.
Working together by being helpful and doing what is asked.
Ability to control one's emotions, behavior, and desires in the face of external demands in order to function in community.
Doing what is morally right and expected to do.
Continuing to do something even when it is difficult while adhering to a belief or purpose.
According to the 2022 Climate Survey
97% of Elementary families feel PACT encourages and develops students of character.
88% of Elementary parents agree that students model character.
94% of Elementary parents agree the staff models character.
94% of Elementary parents agree the character curriculum has a positive impact.
Attendance Matters
Regular school attendance is essential for the academic success of our students. We ask that you do your best to be in school every day to benefit all our students and teachers. Research supports that regular school attendance and punctuality are directly related to success in academic work, including progress in meeting state and local requirements for graduation. Students who attend school consistently and are on time: benefit socially; establish better communication with their teachers; and establish regular habits of dependability, self-sufficiency, and responsibility, all of which are important to the student's future.
Because PACT has fewer instructional days than most Minnesota Schools, good attendance is even more essential for our students.
Dress Code
Our student dress code intends to provide a safe and productive learning environment with limited distractions and contribute to an atmosphere of respect for everyone in the building. Students will be asked to modify their clothing if they are outside our policy expectations.
Behavior Management
With the support of our Behavioral Interventionist, PACT classrooms use the Love and Logic approach as a behavior management program. It neutralizes arguing, offers delayed consequences, shows empathy, and develops a positive teacher-student relationship. It’s a way to set enforceable limits that prevents power struggles and guide students to own and solve their problems. It has been a valuable tool for PACT’s teachers that allows them to enjoy time with their students!
With the support of our Dean of Students, PACT uses the Love and Logic discipline philosophy to manage behaviors. Our Discipline Support Room (A130) allows teachers and students to work out behavior issues after school. This allows students to stay in the classroom during the day so they do not miss out on instruction. The room is staffed by a teacher and runs after school from 3:15-4:15 p.m., as needed.
Student Policies
500 Series Policies: Students
Policies that outline student expectations and discipline guidelines.
504 - Dress Code Policy
506 - Discipline Policy
507 - Behavioral Expectations & Code of Conduct Policy
507 - Behavioral Expectations & Code of Conduct Procedure
508 - Bullying Policy
509 - Nondiscrimination-Title IX Policy
510 - Contacting Outside Authorities Policy
513 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
516 - Student Medicine in School Policy
524 - Acceptable Use Policy
525 - Electronic Devices (Student) Policy
526 - Hazing Policy
528 - Use of Police Officers to Remove Students with Individualized Education Plans from School Grounds Policy
530 - Wellness Policy
532 - School Meals Policy
534 - Attendance Policy
534R - Compulsory Attendance Regulations
535 - Concussion Management Policy
538 - Chemical Use & Abuse Policy
540 - Education for Homeless Children & Unaccompanied Youth Policy
551 - Extended Field Trip Policy
552 - Senior Retreat Policy

Office Location: Elementary Campus, 240

Office Location: Secondary Campus, A131