PACT Charter School
Original Creation Date: March 29, 2010
Last Approved By: PACT Charter School Board of Directors
Last Approved Date: April 2, 2020
Year Reviewed: 2019-2020
Where and How Services are Provided
- Services in the home or library.
- Students are provided with homebound instructional services (HIS) only for the number of days that the school is in session. HIS do not take place on PACT release days, holidays, or during vacations.
- Homebound Instructors (HBI) are assigned to work with students in grades 1-12 for an average of one hour per student contact day unless an IEP team determines there to be a greater need.
- Services in Hospitals
- Students are provided HIS only on days when school is in session. HIS do not take place on PACT release days, holidays, or during vacations.
- HBIs are assigned to work with students for the same number of hours as noted above. However, the time may be less depending upon the seriousness of the illness or injury requiring hospitalization. Often, students are too ill to be seen every day. HBIs should regularly check in with the hospital to make sure that the students are able to receive instruction.
Compensation and Employment Requirements
- Any HBI not already employed by PACT Charter School must have an application for employment and a copy of their license on file with the Human Resource office.
- All new HBI must complete the school process for employment.
- Hourly pay for HIS is based on the teacher's, whose services are being rendered, calculated hourly rate*.
- Parking expenses are reimbursed when the HIS occur at a hospital. All original receipts must accompany the request for reimbursement.
- Time cards must be submitted according to PACT’s payroll calendar. A separate time card must be completed for each student and must include the dates of attendance, a signature from a parent/guardian or medical staff, and the employee’s identification number, address, and signature.
Assignment of Homebound Instructor (HBI) to Students
- When a student qualifies for services, the school will arrange for a HBI who will best meet the student’s needs. At the time, the HBI will receive the following information:
- Student and parent/guardian names
- Hospital or home address and phone number
- Relevant medical information
- School contact person and contact information (i.e., phone number and email address)
- A brief overview of education needs
- A copy of the student’s schedule with subjects and teachers’ names listed
- Access to the student’s current grade report
- After the assignment of the HBI is made, he or she will receive a written agreement from PACT confirming the assignment.
- If the HBI is not already employed by the school as a teacher or other staff member, the school will designate a contact person, such as the guidance counselor, social worker, homeroom teacher, advisor. The person will ensure that work is collected from all of the students' teachers and made available to the HBI at the designated times.
Responsibilities of the School
- When a student is enrolled in HIS through PACT, primary responsibility for the student remains with the school.
- Additional responsibilities of the school and school employees include the following:
- Informing the student’s teacher(s) of his or her homebound status and requesting work for the student.
- Having assignments, books, course materials, etc., readily available to the HBI in a timely and helpful manner.
- Sharing with the HBI the requirements necessary for the student to achieve a passing grade for each class.
- Registering the student for the appropriate classes if the HIS cross semesters (secondary).
- Recording homebound attendance and grades.
- Follow up with parents/guardians or the student if the student does not return to PACT when the HIS in the home, at the library, or in the hospital comes to an end.
- Planning for the student’s return to school (i.e. informing teachers of any special health conditions, arranging for special transportation, etc.).
- In accordance with MN Statute 3525.2325, for students receiving special education services, the student's IEP must be modified to reflect homebound instruction. Services must then be provided as indicated in the student's IEP.
Responsibilities of the Homebound Instructor
- Maintaining contact with teachers and/or counselors to ensure that students are working on the appropriate assignments and are receiving credit for their work.
- Calling the supervisor if HIS do not begin on the anticipated date.
- Arranging regularly scheduled meeting times with the student and his/her family or the hospital staff, according to the job description.
- Notifying the family or hospital if he/she is unable to attend a scheduled session due to illness or emergency. The HBI may not arrange for substitutes. If the absence is expected to last for more than a few days, the HBI should notify the supervisor. Hours may be made up by the HBI within one week of the original date missed.
- Calling the supervisor immediately if there are any communication challenges.
- As soon as it is known when the student will return to school, informing the appropriate school contact person and the supervisor.
- If the student is receiving HIS in the hospital, assisting in the determination regarding if the student will need to continue with HIS after release from the hospital or if the student is going to return to school immediately after release. It is preferable that the same HBI would continue to work with the student in the home or the library if HIS are determined by the school to still be needed.
- Keeping all written material the student has completed during HIS. It is the responsibility of the HBI to return assignments, books, and materials to the school when the student has been authorized to return to school.
- Maintaining written documentation of work assigned and completed; conversations with school staff, the student, and parents; attendance; etc. It is necessary to provide documentation for the student to receive credit for the work they have completed.
- Maintaining a portfolio of activities for students of various ages in case actual assignments are not available for the first day of HIS.
- Working with the teacher(s) on grading assignments and determining the final grade according to the following guidelines:
- For each hour of HIS that the student receives, the student will be given credit for a day of attendance. For this reason, the HBI must complete an End of Homebound Instructional Services Form (provided by the Office Assistant).
- There are numerous variables that will affect the way in which teachers decide to grade assignments completed by a student receiving HIS and determine the final grade. One of the larger contributing factors is the anticipated time frame that the student will be gone. In some cases, this timeframe is known, but it cannot always be predicted.
- The options for grading a homebound student include the following:
- This is recommended for students who are unable to meet with the HBI on a regular basis due to a medical condition or emergency situations.
- A “pass” grade is calculated the same as a “C” letter grade on the electronic grading program.
- Using this method should be determined to be in the best interest of the student due to their inability to complete the quantity or quality of work that would justify receiving a higher letter grade.
- Give a letter grade for the work completed that will contribute to the total course grade. Note: This is recommended for a short-term period of HIS.
- Give a letter grade for an entire course, based on the assignments completed. Note: Recommended for a long-term period of HIS.
- Give a “pass” or “fail” grade rather than a letter grade. Notes:
L. Calling the supervisor immediately the second time the student is not at home, the library, or the hospital at the designated times; the session has not been canceled by the student or family; or if there are concerns about the safety of the situation.
M. The HBI will never enter the home of a student unless there is a parent/guardian or designated adult also present.
* Calculated rate update per Board action on April 6, 2017