Exploration and Formation

The middle school experience is where we see our students in grades 6-8 begin to challenge themselves by exploring the world around them. PACT programs and curriculum test the student in core subject areas but offers more opportunities in the arts, honors, and language. 

Extracurricular activities are also open to middle school students in most sports and fine art activities. 


Tutor Tables


Document Resource Center


Guidance Center


Counseling Center


Support Services



Our Grade 6 Experience

Students in grade 6 will experience life as middle schoolers in a special wing of our Secondary Campus. The grouping of four classrooms is taught by four sixth-grade teachers with specialized core areas of expertise. Students eat lunch together in the cafeteria, and each day, they take various elective classes, such as art, PE, computer, study skills, and music. They end the day in their advisory. 

Our sixth-graders will participate in middle school activities, pep rallies, sports, etc., along with our students in grades 7 and 8. The students will also have 8th-grade mentors - it’s an easy transition into the middle school experience!

Instructional Methods

Our teaching methods and curriculum aim to promote higher-level thinking in students, meet them at their ability level and help them reach their full potential. This is accomplished in various ways, including:

  • Incorporating multiple intelligences: logical, intrapersonal, musical, kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic, naturalistic, interpersonal
  • Incorporating research-based student engagement techniques
  • Teaching students how to research using a variety of resources
  • Integrating subjects and cross-curricular projects when appropriate
  • Providing an emotionally and physically safe, positive learning environment
  • Working collaboratively
  • Training students in decision-making
  • Differentiating instruction

According to the 2022 Climate Survey

86% of Secondary parents are satisified with PACT.

85% of Secondary parents affirm their student’s Mastery of Grade Level Learning.

86% of Secondary parents value PACT’s Qualified staff members.

Academic Standards

The Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards are the statewide expectations for student learning in K-12 public schools. Charter schools determine how their students will meet the standards and benchmarks by developing courses, curricula, and instruction. Learn how to understand the K-12 standards here.

Standards approved by the Minnesota Department of Education and the Legislature are listed here:

To learn more about academic standards, visit the Minnesota Department of Education website.

Unique Learning Opportunities

Honors Program (grades 7-8)
Students who elect the honors option will be challenged through a deeper analysis of the topics covered in the general course, allowing them to apply higher-level thinking skills. Students who select the honors option will complete different assignments/projects than the general course. To participate in an honors course, a student must have earned a grade of “B” or higher in the previous course in the same discipline and/or have the recommendation and approval of the instructor. Students may be placed into an honors course, per teacher recommendation. Honors grades are weighted.

Classroom Support

Academic Interventions

Students who need additional support in language arts or math can receive this support during Panther Plus Time, which is offered during advisory twice per week. In addition, licensed language arts and math teachers meet with small groups of students to reteach and reinforce concepts. Panther Plus Time occurs during exploratory class, so students do not miss out on core instruction to receive assistance.

Classroom Management

Love and Logic

The Love and Logic approach is a behavior management program that has been very effective in dealing with issues in the classroom. It neutralizes arguing, offers delayed consequences, shows empathy, and develops a positive teacher-student relationship. It’s a way to set enforceable limits that prevent power struggles and guide students to own and solve their problems. It has been a valuable tool for PACT’s teachers that allows them to enjoy time with their students!

To support our Love and Logic discipline philosophy, our Secondary program utilizes a School Discipline Support Room. The room is used as a tool for teachers and students to work out behavior issues after school. This allows students to stay in the classroom during the day, so they do not miss out on instruction. The room is staffed by a teacher and runs after school from 3:15-4:15 p.m., as needed.

Secondary Administrators

Image - Shawn Lohse

Secondary Principal

Dr. Shawn Lohse
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jennifer Hamernick

Assistant Director of Secondary Education

Jennifer Hamernick
Email  |  Bio
Image - AnnaRae Klopfer

Director of Special Education

AnnaRae Klopfer
Email  |  Bio 

Middle School Faculty

Image - Pam Backowski

Grade 6 Teacher

Pam Backowski
Email  |  Bio
Image - Christensen

Grade 6 Teacher

Ashley Christensen
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jake Doetkott

Grade 6 Teacher

Jake Doetkott
Email  |  Bio
Image - Kristin Willers

Grade 6 Teacher

Kristin Willers
Email  |  Bio
Image - Amanda Mackereth

Computer Science Teacher

Amanda Mackereth
Email  |  Bio
Image - Bernadette Campbell

FACS Teacher

Bernadette Campbell
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jennifer Roufs

French Teacher

Jennifer Roufs
Email  |  Bio
Image - Marquise Myles

Graphic Arts Teacher

Marquise Myles
Email  |  Bio
Image - Tim Taylor

Industrial Arts Teacher

Tim Taylor
Email  |  Bio
Image - Bridget Canfield

Language Arts Teacher

Bridget Canfield
Email  |  Bio
Image - Kathy Tyler

Language Arts Teacher

Kathy Tyler
Image - Garth Andersen

Math Teacher

Garth Andersen
Email  |  Bio
Image - Sarah Thorsten

Math Teacher

Sarah Thorsten
Email  |  Bio
Image - Emma Hedberg

Music/Band Teacher

Emma Hedberg
Email  |  Bio
Image - micah reynolds

Music/Choir Teacher

Micah Reynolds
Email  |  Bio
Image - Sharon Churchill

Physical Education and Health Teacher

Sharon Churchill
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jeff Bancroft

Physical Education and Health Teacher

Jeff Bancroft
Email  |  Bio
Image - Olson

Physical Education and Health Teacher

Bennett Olson
Image - daniel bowler

Science Teacher

Daniel Bowler
Email  |  Bio
Image - alan swanson

Science Teacher

Alan Swanson
Email  |  Bio
Image - carrie thomas

Science Teacher

Carrie Thomas
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jared Barsness

Social Studies Teacher

Jared Barsness
Email  |  Bio
Image - Makayl Dahl

Social Studies Teacher

Daniel Bowler
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jayme Grosinger

Spanish Teacher

Jayme Grosinger
Email  |  Bio
Image - Beth Olson

Visual Arts Teacher

Beth Olson
Email  |  Bio

Contact Us

PACT Charter School | District Office
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303

PACT Charter School | Elementary Campus
7250 East Ramsey Parkway NW
Ramsey, MN 55303 

PACT Charter School | Secondary Campus
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303 

Main phone line: 763-712-4200
Fax: 763-712-4201
Fax: 763-374-0665 (students records)

Absence: attendance@pactcharter.org


School Hours

Elementary Campus
8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 

Secondary Campus
8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. 

Office Hours

School Days
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Non-School Fridays
7:30 a.m. - Noon

School Breaks

Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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