School Attendance
Being absent from school too often, excused or not, can risk a child’s academic achievement. Regular school attendance is a joint responsibility shared by the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and administration. Together we can help our students achieve more and find success!
We ask that families do their best to have their students in school daily to benefit all our students and teachers. Because PACT has fewer instructional days than most Minnesota schools, good attendance is even more essential for our students.
Attendance Notifications
Please notify the Attendance Clerk by 9 a.m. if your student will be absent, tardy, or leaving early. A 2-hour notification is required if your student is leaving early.
When emailing, please include the student's name, date of absence, the reason for absence, and the name of the person reporting the absence.Infinite Campus Attendance Notification System
The Infinite Campus Attendance Notification System works on a desktop computer or the mobile app. You must be logged into your parent account to submit a request. Each request is then manually processed by the PACT attendance office. Please allow a minimum of two hours to process your request. Please enter all requests by 9 a.m.
Tardiness and Absences
Students are expected to attend school for the entire school day. Students arriving after the first bell rings must report to the school office, and a note or phone call must be received from the parent/guardian stating the reason for the tardiness.
Elementary: Students leaving for any part of the day or before the final bell rings must report to the school office and have a parent/guardian sign them in or out.
Secondary: Students leaving for any part of the day or before the final bell rings must report to the school office and sign in or out, with parent/guardian permission in advance. Secondary students are considered absent from the entire class if they are more than 10 minutes late or leave 10 minutes early.
An absence will automatically be considered unexcused if notification is not received within 24 hours. Unreported absences are considered unexcused.
Vacations Require Pre-Approval
Please plan family vacations around the school calendar to preserve in-class instruction time. If that is not possible, vacations require prior approval from the administration. Please email and reference the vacation dates and how schoolwork will be completed. Your student must be caught up when they join their classmates upon return.
Attendance Resources
- 534 - Attendance Policy
- When Your Student is Sick
- Minn. Stat. §120A (Education Code; Attendance; School Calendar)
- Minn. Stat. §120A.22 (Compulsory Instruction)
- Minn. Stat. §260A.02 (Continuing truant)
- Minn. Stat. §260C.007, Subd. 19 (Habitual truant)