Welcome to Panthers Football
Eligible Grades
Boys in grades 7-12 can try out for our high school program. Grade 6 for middle school.
Middle School and Junior Varsity in 2024. A varsity team will be added in 2025.
Season Dates
August thru November
Football cleats, water bottle, and mouth guards.
Visit the PACT Activity Fees page.
Lettering Requirements
- Athletes must attend 90% of the scheduled practices.
- Athletes must have played in 75% of the available varsity periods.
- Athletes must not have violated any of the Minnesota State High School League rules.
- Athletes must not have been found academically ineligible twice during the season.
- Athletes must finish the season as a member of the team.
- Team requirements
- A coach can make an exception to the lettering requirements with the approval of the activities director.