507 - Behavioral Expectations & Code of Conduct Policy

PACT Charter School

Original Creation Date: April 10, 1996
Last Approved By: PACT Charter School Board of Directors
Last Approved Date: May 2, 2024
Year Reviewed: 2023-2024



This policy outlines the responsibilities of students, staff, and the community to create an atmosphere conducive to high student achievement. The Behavior Expectations and Code of Conduct policy ensure students are taught the school’s expectations for student conduct, and PACT Charter School staff recognize their obligation to teach students appropriate school behaviors to minimize out-of-class time and disruptions to teaching and learning.



PACT Charter School is committed to teaching all students appropriate school behaviors and to create a safe and productive learning environment for students. PACT Charter School is also committed to assuring that the consequences for student behavior that violates this policy are appropriate and proportional based upon the circumstances, and the policy is fairly enforced.

PACT Charter School shall establish procedures that identify behaviors and/or activities expected from students and identify behaviors and/or activities that could subject students to disciplinary consequences.

This Behavior Expectations and Code of Conduct policy applies to all school buildings; school grounds; school property; school-sponsored activities or trips; school vehicles; school contracted vehicles; vehicles approved for school purposes; the area of entrance or departure from school premises or events; and all school-related functions. This policy also applies to any student whose conduct at any time or in any place interferes with or obstructs the mission or school’s operations or the safety or welfare of the student, other students, or staff.



    1. PACT Charter School is responsible for ensuring that behavior and discipline matters are handled in conformance with this policy. All teachers and other school personnel are responsible for teaching and reinforcing appropriate school behaviors.
    2. PACT Charter School employees may use reasonable force when it is necessary under the circumstances to restrain a student or prevent bodily harm or death to another. Restraint of students must not be used except when the threat of harm to the student or others is imminent.
    3. Parents and guardians are expected to cooperate with school authorities and to address the behavior of their student. All students shall be held individually responsible for their behavior and knowing and following this policy, including the Code of Conduct for students.

The following list of student responsibilities is not exhaustive. All students have the responsibility to:

  1. Be on time and attend every class every day, unless excused.
  2. Arrange to make up work when absent from school.
  3. Attain satisfactory academic achievement consistent with an individual’s ability and complete all homework and other assignments.
  4. Assume personal responsibility for acting with respect and common courtesy.
  5. Exhibit honest behavior as it applies to tests, assignments, and other school work.
  6. Be respectful in communications with peers and those in authority.
  7. Accept disciplinary consequences with dignity and commit to improving one’s performance and conduct.
  8. Comply with all school building and school policies, rules, and behavior expectations, and state and federal law, including, but not limited to, refraining from all types of harassment and bullying. The PACT Bullying Policy is incorporated here and can be found at 508 - Bullying Policy.
  9. Comply with school rules governing the proper use of electronic devices.
  10. Understand and comply with school rules regarding appropriate conduct on the bus and extracurricular or other school-related activities.
  11. Respect school property and not damage it.
  12. Refrain from using non-prescription drugs at school and school-related activities unless in accordance with school policy and procedural requirements, including written authorization provided by the parent/guardian to the school.
  13. Refrain from using and/or possessing alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, and other dangerous or illegal substances at school, on school property or school buses, and at extracurricular or other school-related activities.
  14. Refrain from bringing or possessing weapons at school.
    1. Disciplinary Action. All responses to a student’s inappropriate school behavior shall include elements of teaching or re-teaching appropriate school behavior and restoration of relationships affected by the student behavior. Disciplinary action may be taken for any student conduct that interferes with the operations of the school or the welfare of the student or others.
    2. Disciplinary Action Options. Alternatives to removal from class or dismissal shall be used whenever possible unless the student’s behavior places the student or others in danger, or a removal/dismissal/suspension is required by other law, policy, or procedure. Any discipline for a violation of the student Behavior Expectations will be based on all available facts and circumstances of the breach and is solely within the school’s discretion. Any violation of a school rule will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may range from a simple verbal warning, parent contact, removal from class, administrative dismissal, suspension, detention, or other appropriate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion or exclusion, depending on the nature of the infraction. See Policy 507 - Behavioral Expectations and Code of Conduct Procedure guidelines for out-of-school discipline that will be used to guide the consequence for inappropriate behavior generally.



  1. Purpose.  To maximize learning and create a positive classroom environment for all students, a student may need to be removed from class for a period of time to redirect learning. Therefore, PACT Charter School may remove a student from class, including a student with a disability, in compliance with the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act.
  2. Policy Statement. PACT Charter School’s policy fully complies with Minnesota law and the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act.
  3. Definitions:
    1. “Removal from class” and “removal” mean any actions taken by a teacher, School Administrator, or authorized school employee to prohibit a student from attending a class or activity period for a period of time not to exceed five (5) days, pursuant to this discipline policy.
    2. “Dismissal” means the denial of the current educational program to any student, including exclusion, expulsion, and suspension. Dismissal does not include removal from class.
    3. “Suspension” means an action by the school administration, under rules promulgated by the PACT Charter School Board of Directors, prohibiting a student from attending school for a period of no more than ten (10) school days; provided, however, if a suspension is longer than five (5) school days, the suspending administrator shall provide the Superintendent of Schools with a reason for the longer term of suspension. This definition does not apply to dismissal for one (1) school day or less, except for a student with a disability. Suspension for a student with a disability includes any portion of a school day, regardless of the removal length.
    4. “Expulsion” means an action of the PACT Charter School Board of Directors to prohibit an enrolled student from further attendance for up to twelve (12) months from the date the student is expelled.  The authority to expel rests with the PACT Charter School Board of Directors.
    5. “Exclusion” means an action taken by the PACT Charter School  Board of Directors to prevent enrollment or re-enrollment of a student for a period that shall not extend beyond the school year. The authority to exclude rests with the PACT Charter School  Board of Directors.
  4. Removal of Student from Class. Teachers are responsible for modifying disruptive student behavior by conferring with the student, using positive reinforcement, assigning detention or other consequences, or contacting the student’s parents.  When such measures fail, or when the teacher determines it is otherwise appropriate based upon the student’s conduct, the teacher shall have the authority to remove the student from class pursuant to the procedures established by this policy.
  5. Dismissal of Student from Class.  The school shall not deny due process or equal protection of the law to any student involved in a dismissal preceding that may result in suspension, exclusion, or expulsion.
    1. The school shall not dismiss any student without attempting to provide alternative educational services before dismissal proceedings, except where it appears that the student will create an immediate and substantial danger to themselves or surrounding persons or property.
    2. Any removal of a student from school for one day or less may be considered an administrative dismissal. Administrative dismissal prohibits a student from being in school, on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored event for the day. A parent conference may be required before the student is readmitted to school.
    3. The school shall report any suspension, expulsion, or exclusion action taken to the appropriate public service agency when the student is under the supervision of such agency.
  6. Meeting with Parents. If a student’s total days of removal from school exceed ten (10) cumulative days in a school year, the school shall make reasonable attempts to convene a meeting with the student and the student’s parent or guardian before removing the student from school and, with the permission of the parent or guardian, arrange for a mental health screening for the pupil.  The district is not required to pay for mental health screening.  The purpose of this meeting is to attempt to determine the pupil’s need for assessment or other services or whether the parent or guardian should have the pupil assessed or diagnosed to determine whether the pupil needs treatment for a mental health disorder.
  7. Suspension. All suspension proceedings will be held pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, Minn. Stat. §§121A.40-121A.56, school policy, and school procedures.
  8. Expulsion and Exclusion.  All expulsion and exclusion proceedings will be held pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, Minn. Stat. §§121A.40-121A.56.
  9. Student with a Disability.  School personnel may suspend a child with a disability for a maximum of ten school days for one incident as long as non-disabled students would be similarly disciplined. A student with a disability may not be suspended in a fashion that changes that student’s special education program as defined by federal law.  Students who are currently identified as disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 will be subject to this policy unless the student’s IEP or 504 Plan specifies a necessary modification.



It is the policy of PACT Charter School that complete and accurate student discipline records be maintained. The collection, dissemination, and maintenance of student discipline records shall be consistent with applicable school policies and federal and state law, including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13.



The Superintendent of Schools shall ensure that this policy is distributed to students and parents at the beginning of each school year and upon enrollment of a new student. This policy will also be available in the Superintendent of Schools' office upon request.



The Superintendent of Schools and representatives of parents, students, and staff shall confer annually to review this discipline policy, determine if the policy is accomplishing its purposes, and assess whether the discipline policy has been enforced. Any recommended changes must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools for consideration by the PACT Charter School  Board of Directors. The PACT Charter School Board of Directors will conduct an annual review of this policy.


Legal References:

Minn. Stat. §13 (Government Data Practices)

Minn. Stat. §121A.0311 (Safe and Supportive Schools Act)

Minn. Stat. §§121A.40-121A.56 (Pupil Fair Dismissal Act)

Minn. Stat. §124E (Minnesota Charter School Law)

Minn. Stat. §121A.575 (Alternatives to Pupil Suspension)

Minn. Stat. §§121A.60-121A.61 (Removal of Students from Class)

Minn. Stat. §124D.03 (Enrollment Options Program)

Minn. Stat. §124D.08 (Enrollment in Nonresident District)

Minn. Stat. Ch. 260A.03 (Truancy)


Contact Us

PACT Charter School | District Office
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303

PACT Charter School | Elementary Campus
7250 East Ramsey Parkway NW
Ramsey, MN 55303 

PACT Charter School | Secondary Campus
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303 

Main phone line: 763-712-4200
Fax: 763-712-4201
Fax: 763-374-0665 (students records)

Absence: attendance@pactcharter.org


School Hours

Elementary Campus
8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 

Secondary Campus
8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. 

Office Hours

School Days
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Non-School Fridays
7:30 a.m. - Noon

School Breaks

Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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