Enrollment Lottery
Application for enrollment to PACT is open to all students that live in the state of Minnesota. PACT is a tuition-free public charter school with no fees to apply. PACT receives more applications than space available in most grades yearly, so we hold a lottery. The lottery generates a waiting list from which enrollment offers are made and continues throughout the school year as space opens.
Families must reapply each year by the enrollment lottery deadline for students who were not enrolled.
Enrollment Lottery Results
- 2024-2025 School Year Lottery Results
- 2025-2026 School Year Lottery Results (pending)
Enrollment Notification
Every effort is made to notify families of waiting list positions within 30 days of the Enrollment Lottery via email and the PACT website. Contact will be made from the enrollment list in sequential order following the Enrollment Lottery with enrollment offers only. After that, text messages and emails will be sent when a space in a classroom opens up. You have four calendar days to accept or decline enrollment if offered a space. After that time, we will contact the next family on the list.
To be sure the emails don't end up in spam, add pact_charter_school@lotterease.com as an approved sender in your email contact list.
Lottery and Placement Expectations
PACT Charter School's lottery results are fluid and in a constant state of fluctuation, especially in the first few weeks following the lottery. Movement occurs when a family accepts or declines a position across the K-12 population -- which can then change their preference status by adding or losing sibling preference. Another preference is for currently enrolled families, who rise above everyone else since they already have a student at PACT. Employees also have preferences.
Early lottery results and waitlists are often not an indication of final class placements and should not discourage people from applying to the waitlist.
For more information on enrollment at PACT, read our Enrollment Policy.

Denise Hatchner
Enrollment and Records Coordinator
Phone: 763-712-4200, ext. 2134 | enroll@pactcharter.org
Location: Secondary Campus, Room A109