Elementary: Building a Foundation

At PACT, we partner with parents to educate the whole child, especially during the formative years. Teachers challenge each student to grow intellectually and believe they learn best by having the opportunity to explore in our safe and nurturing environment, highlighted by a focus on character development. Our dedicated team of teachers, combined with a robust curriculum to challenge minds, allows our students to develop a life-long love of learning.

2023 Niche Best Schools



Counseling Center


Support Services


Document Resource Center

What Makes PACT Special?

Instructional Methods and Curriculum

The goals of PACT's teaching methods and curriculum are to promote higher-level thinking in students, meet students at their ability level, and help them to reach their full potential. We accomplish this in various ways, including:

  • Incorporating multiple intelligences: logical, intrapersonal, musical, kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic, naturalistic, interpersonal
  • Focusing on multi-sensory learning as much as possible
  • Teaching students how to research using a variety of resources
  • Integrating subjects and cross-curricular projects when appropriate
  • Providing an emotionally and physically safe, positive learning environment
  • Working Collaboratively
  • Training students in decision-making (Love and Logic)
  • Differentiating instruction
  • Focus on student engagement and high-level questioning techniques

According to the 2022 Climate Survey

95% of Elementary families are satisfied with PACT Charter School.

86% of parents feel PACT encourages them to be active partners in educating their students.

88% of Elementary parents acknowledge their student’s mastery of grade level learning.

89% of Elementary parents agree PACT meets the academic needs of their student.

Academic Standards

The Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards are the statewide expectations for student learning in K-12 public schools. Charter schools determine how their students will meet the standards and benchmarks by developing courses, curricula, and instruction. Learn how to understand the K-12 standards here.

Standards approved by the Minnesota Department of Education and the Legislature are listed here:

To learn more about academic standards, visit the Minnesota Department of Education website.

Core Classes and Curriculum

 Character Strong fosters the Whole Child with vertically-aligned lessons that teach SEL and character side-by-side. Character education involves developing thoughtful, healthy, and kind human beings. Our character is informed by our personal values and choices.

Visit Character Strong Weekly and engage with the weekly videos. 

Special Programming

Library and Media
The Library Media Center provides a dynamic learning environment for students and offers a place to promote literacy in both print and digital formats. In this collaborative space, students learn cultural awareness, curiosity, imagination, and character while processing information and solving problems.

Classroom Support

WIN Time

Elementary students receive differentiated instruction based on their needs. In reading and math, differentiated instruction is provided during daily What I Need (WIN) Time. Students in need of additional help may receive small group assistance from licensed teachers. This also provides time for the homeroom teacher to meet with small groups of students to provide extra support and enrichment.

Classroom Management

With the support of our Behavioral Interventionist, PACT classrooms use the Love and Logic approach as a behavior management program. It neutralizes arguing, offers delayed consequences, shows empathy, and develops a positive teacher-student relationship. It’s a way to set enforceable limits that prevents power struggles and guide students to own and solve their problems. It has been a valuable tool for PACT’s teachers that allows them to enjoy time with their students!

Elementary Administrators

Image - Lara Bronson


Dr. Lara Bronson
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jenelle Moehn

Assistant Director of Elementary Education

Jenelle Moehn
Email  |  Bio
Image - AnnaRae Klopfer

Director of Special Education

AnnaRae Klopfer
Email  |  Bio 

Elementary Faculty

Image - Emily Kurtz

Kindergarten Teacher

Emily Kurtz
Email  |  Bio
Image - Brooke Lenneman

Kindergarten Teacher

Brooke Lenneman
Email  |  Bio
Image - Tanya Loso

Kindergarten Teacher

Tanya Loso
Email  |  Bio 

Image - Lauren Miller

Kindergarten Teacher

Lauren Miller
Email  |  Bio 

Image - Laura Montray

Kindergarten Teacher

Laura Montray
Email  |  Bio
Image - Mackenzie Darula

Grade 1 Teacher

Mackenzie Darula
Email  |  Bio
Image - Rochelle Hale

Grade 1 Teacher

Rochelle Hale
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jena Jankobiec

Grade 1 Teacher

Jena Jakubiec
Email  |  Bio
Image - Abby Tollas

Grade 1 Teacher

Abby Tollas
Email  |  Bio
Image - Amelia Wisherd

Grade 1 Teacher

Alison Wisherd
Email  |  Bio
Image - Elise Hills

Grade 2 Teacher

Elise Hills
Email  |  Bio
Image - halle lidstone

Grade 2 Teacher

Halle Lidstone
Email  |  Bio
Image - Miranda Barthel

Grade 2 Teacher

Miranda Barthel
Email  |  Bio
Image - Brooke Thoennes

Grade 2 Teacher

Brooke Thoennes
Email  |  Bio
Image - Taylor Perrier

Grade 2 Teacher

Taylor Perrier
Email  |  Bio
Image - Morgan

Grade 3 Teacher

Amy Morgan
Email  |  Bio
Image - Jennifer Musokwa

Grade 3 Teacher

Jennifer Musokwa
Email  |  Bio
Image - Kasey Olson

Grade 3 Teacher

Kasey Olson
Email  |  Bio
Image - Amelia Eveland

Grade 3 Teacher

Amelia Eveland
Email  |  Bio
Image - Stephanie Leer

Grade 4 Teacher

Stephanie Leer
Email  |  Bio
Image - Veronica Lee

Grade 4 Teacher

Veronica Lee
Email  |  Bio
Image - hannah scholton

Grade 4 Teacher

Hannah Scholten
Email  |  Bio
Image - zevenbergen

Grade 4 Teacher

Monica Zevenbergen
Email  |  Bio
Image - Kaylie Brase

Grade 5 Teacher

Kaylie Brase
Email  |  Bio
Image - Gavic

Grade 5 Teacher

Ethan Gavic
Email  |  Bio
Image - Joshua Moeschl

Grade 5 Teacher

Joshua Moeschl
Email  |  Bio
Image - Nicole Kallod

Grade 5 Teacher

Nicole Kallod
Email  |  Bio
Image - Danae Heckmann

Art Teacher

Danae Trauth
Email  |  Bio
Image - Robin Schaible

Media and Library Teacher

Robin Schaible
Email  |  Bio
Image - Ann Ostendorf

Music/Choir Teacher

Ann Ostendorf
Email  |  Bio
Image - Scott Miller

PE Teacher

Scott Miller 
Email  |  Bio
Image - Samantha Peltier

Dean | Behavior Interventionist

Samantha Peltier
Email  |  Bio
Image - Kayla Marks

English Language (EL) Teacher

Kayla Marks
Email  |  Bio
Image - Michelle Jones

Response to Intervention (RTI) Teacher (grades 3-5)

Michelle Jones
Email  |  Bio
Image - Johanna Santiago

Title I Teacher (grades K-2)

Johanna Santiago
Email  |  Bio
Image - Shelby Spuller

Math Interventionist

Shelby Spuller
Email  |  Bio

Contact Us

PACT Charter School | District Office
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303

PACT Charter School | Elementary Campus
7250 East Ramsey Parkway NW
Ramsey, MN 55303 

PACT Charter School | Secondary Campus
7729 - 161st Avenue Northwest
Ramsey, MN 55303 

Main phone line: 763-712-4200
Fax: 763-712-4201
Fax: 763-374-0665 (students records)

Absence: attendance@pactcharter.org


School Hours

Elementary Campus
8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. 

Secondary Campus
8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. 

Office Hours

School Days
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Non-School Fridays
7:30 a.m. - Noon

School Breaks

Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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